The Sabbath From A Pro-Torah Perspective:

Learn why the Sabbath, “the Lord’s Day” and the “Day of the Lord” were never referring to Sunday. Did Christians really worship on the “first day of the week”? Is the Sabbath really for Gentiles? When did the Sabbath get changed from Saturday to Sunday? Find out more regarding the importance and relevance of the Sabbath for the follower of Christ (Yeshua).

The Sabbath FAQ

The Sabbath FAQ

Is the Sabbath relevant for Christians? Wasn’t the calendar changed? Didn’t the early church meet on the first day of the week? Find out more…

For and Against The Sabbath by Ronald Dart

Examining arguments for and against the Sabbath

Most people, who claim to be religious, whether they are Jewish or Christian, believe in keeping the Ten Commandments. That is a given. The Fourth Commandment is the one commandment that is called into question consistently. Even the people who believe that the Ten Commandments were done away with, believe that nine of the Commandments were reinstated in the New Testament. They have some convoluted discussion or argument about how that actually works.

63 Reasons to keep the Sabbath

63 Biblical reasons to keep the 7th day Sabbath

The Sabbath is a great point of contention among God’s people. Many become preoccupied with finding reasons not to keep it, or justifying why it should be kept differently than the way God instructed his people to keep it.

What is the Lord’s Day? By Daniel Botkin

What is ‘The Lord’s Day’? By Daniel Botkin

The Apostle John’s mention of ‘the Lord’s day’ is often quoted by Christians who worship on the first day of the week instead of on Saturday, the Sabbath. But is this a correct understanding of this reference? Daniel Botkin explains the context of ‘the Lord’s day’ and the meaning of the Sabbath.

Catholic Church Changed Sabbath to Sunday

Catholic Church Changed Sabbath to Sunday

Learn how the Catholic Church, at the Council of Laodicea (363–364 AD), changed Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday.

Romans 14 and the Sabbath Commandment

Romans 14 and the Sabbath Commandment

Many use Romans 14 to argue that “all days are now the same” according to God, and that the Sabbath is no longer important, but the context of this passage — particularly its context within second temple Judaism.