Feast of Unleavened Bread

Tag Archive for: Feast of Unleavened Bread

Christian Holy Days by Ronald L. Dart

Christian Holidays (Holy Days) By Ronald L Dart

Everybody knows there are holidays mentioned in the Bible. But what are they? The holidays that are mentioned in the Bible are usually dismissed as Jewish. But did you know the New Testament Church still celebrated these holidays after Christ’s ascension? Walk through the Christ centered significance of the holidays in your Bible. This series goes in depth to each of the ‘Feasts of the Lord’, ‘Holy Days’, or ‘Sabbaths’ as listed in Leviticus 23 to include: The Sabbath, Passover, Feast of Firstfruits, Feast of Weeks (Pentecost), Feast of Trumpets, Day of Atonement, and the Feast of Tabernacles. Dart also discusses Christmas and Easter, addressing the questionable origins of these man-made traditions.

God’s Festivals in Scripture Part 1 Spring Festivals

God’s Festivals In Scripture Part 1: Spring Festivals

God’s Festivals In Scriptures in History challenges Christians to bring about worship renewal by developing a church calendar patterned after the religious calendar God gave to Israel. Such a calendar would celebrate during the course of the year the redemptive accomplishments of Christs first and second Advents. We cannot preach the whole Bible in one sermon. We cannot celebrate the whole story of redemption in one Sabbath. A church calendar patterned after the calendar of Israel can help to do justice to all the great saving acts of God. The first volume on The Spring Feasts examines Passover and Pentecost historically, typologically and theologically. It shows how the Springs feasts of Israel helps us understand the redemptive accomplishments of Christ’s First Advent.

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Original article provided by http://www.friendsofsabbath.org/Further_Research/Bacchiocchis%20Research/God’s%20Festivals%20vol1.pdf