How many ways of salvation? By Ronald Dart

How Many Ways of Salvation?

Was the way to salvation different depending on nationality? Race? Circumcision? Works? Explanation of “middle wall of separation” and what ordinances Jesus abolished (from Ephesians 2). Explanation of the burden that neither us nor our fathers could bear (from Acts 15). Keeping the law with no faith is worthless. Having faith and not keeping the law is a contradiction. Explanation of John 1:1 “The Word was with God and the Word was God.” Jesus came to reveal the previously-hidden Father. Concludes with the one way to salvation, Old Testament and New Testament.

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Ronald Dart
Ronald Dart is the voice of the Born to Win radio broadcast, heard on over 100 radio stations in America, Australia, Britain, and Canada. His easy delivery style and unique insight has earned him a large and loyal audience. He has been an ordained minister for more than 40 years and is chairman and founder of Christian Educational Ministry. He taught Bible and speech for many years at college and graduate level, has published extensively, and has spoken to crowds of more than 14,000 people on four continents. Ron's speciality is taking complex ideas and making them clear and understandable. He lives in Tyler, Texas with his wife Allie.
Ronald Dart
Ronald Dart

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